Supplier Guiding Principles
VII. Supplier Attestation
Supplier authorizes the procurement of an investigative background search in accordance with anti-terrorism
legislation including, without limitation, the USA Patriot Act and Section 1 of U.S. Executive Order 13224 issued
September 23, 2001. Supplier also certifies that neither it nor any of its funding sources, is or has ever been a
terrorist or suspected terrorist, or a person or entity described in the aforementioned legislation. Supplier
understands that Office Depot will not do business with a Supplier if the Supplier has ever been a suspected
terrorist or associated in any way with terrorist activities.
Supplier also agrees to provide accurate and complete information to Office Depot to enable it to comply with all of
its importation requirements. By way of signature below, the Supplier agrees to have read, understand and agrees
to the terms and conditions set forth in the Supplier Guiding Principles and to promptly report any confirmed or
suspected violations of these principles to Office Depot. Supplier further certifies that materials incorporated into
the products it supplies to Office Depot comply with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking of the
country or countries in which it is doing business.
[Print Full Legal Name of Company]
Signature: ________________________________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________
Date: ___________