Woolworths Ethical Audit Employee Interview Guide
A. Pre-Interview Information: |
Auditor to explain to the interview the following: (a) The interview is part of the audit process which helps ensure policies and procedures are in place and communicated (b) The interview is voluntary (c) All answers are treated as confidential (d) The information and outcomes will be summarised and used to provide feedback to management to assist with continuous improvement and compliance to Woolworths Limited policy required of all Trade Partners
B. Individual Employee Questions: |
Establishment Name
Employee Name |
Department | Position: |
Employment Type (tick) | Fulltime/Part-time/Casual: |
Question | Finding | comments |
1. How long have you worked at this facility? |
2. When you started working here were you employed through an employment agency or directly by the facility? Are you still employed through an agency? | Yes/No, or N/A |
3. When you started working at this facility did you have to pay an administrative or broker/introduction fee? Or provide your passport/identity documentation to the facility? If yes,describe | Yes/No |
4. When you started working at this facility did you sign a Contrast/Work Agreement? If Yes, were you provided with a copy? | Yes/No,N/A |
5. Did you receive an induction or training before you started working at the facility? | Yes/No,N/A |
6. What additional training have you received since then? Describe: |
7a. Has the Induction/training provided covered Health and Safety? | Yes/No |
7b. Has the Induction /training provided covered Terms of Employment? | Yes/No |
7c. Has the Induction/training provided covered Environment issuss? | Yes/No |