S03.01 Supply Base Management
The organization should accurately define the product need and select potential suppliers based on that. Suppliers should be compared systematically. Prior to doing business the capabilities of suppliers should be evaluated. 该组织应该准确地定义产品的需要,选择潜在的供应商,在此基础。供应商应系统地比较。在做生意之前,应评估供应商的能力。
S03.07 Purchasing information
Purchasing information shall describe the product to be purchased, including where appropriate采购信息应表述拟采购的产品包括酌情
a) Requirements for approval of product, procedures, processes and equipment, a)批准的产品、程序、过程和设备,要求
b) Requirements for qualification of personnel, andb)对人员资格的要求和
c) Quality management system requirements. c)质量管理体系的要求。组织应确保规定的采购要求之前他们沟通
The organization shall ensure the adequacy of specified purchase requirements prior to their communication o the supplier. To the extent required for traceability, the organization shall maintain relevant purchasing information, i.e. documents and records 供应商足够。所需的可追溯性的范围内,组织应保持相关的采购信息,如文件和记录
S03.09 Verification of purchased product
The organization shall establish and implement the inspection or other activities necessary for ensuring that purchased product meets specified purchase requirements. Where the organization or its customer intends to perform verification at the supplier’s premises, the organization shall state the intended verification arrangements and method of product release in the purchasing information. Records of the verification shall be maintained. 组织应建立并实施检验或其他必要为确保采购的产品符合规定的采购要求的活动。凡组织或其顾客拟在供方的现场实施验证,本组织须述明拟的验证的安排和产品放行的采购信息中的方法。核查的记录应予保持。
S04.01 Supplier Controls
The organization shall establish documented procedures to ensure that purchased product conforms to specified purchase requirements. The type and extent of control applied to the supplier and the purchased product shall be dependent upon the effect of the purchased product on subsequent product realization or the final product. 组织应建立书面的程序,以确保采购的产品符合规定的采购要求。类型和程度的控制应用于供应商和采购的产品应取决于采购的产品对随后的产品实现或最终产品的影响。
S04.03 Supplier Quality organization
Where a separate Supplier Quality function is in place to support the purchasing function in realizing good product quality, this function should: 凡到位,以支持采购职能实现良好的产品质量是一个单独的供应商质量函数,此函数应︰
- have sufficient staff-有足够的工作人员
- be clearly positioned in the organization -被清楚地定位自己在组织中
- have competent staff with regard to quality techniques and experience-有主管工作人员对品质的技术和经验
S05.01 Traceability of goods in the supply chain
Where appropriate, parts should be traceable throughout the supply chain. 在适当的情况下,部分应该是可追踪整个供应链。
S06.01 Mid/long term planning
A process of mid/long term planning should be in place in order to start investments, hiring of personnel in time. This mid/long term plan should be aligned with Philips. 中长期规划进程应到位开始投资,在时间中雇用的工作人员。这个中长期计划应与飞利浦对齐。
S07.01 Master Production scheduling
Master production plan should cover a time frame of 3-6 months, taking care that sufficient material, personnel, equipment, etc. is available timely to cover the Philips' needs (Including variation in demand). 主生产计划应包括一个时间框架的 3-6 个月,照顾那足够的材料、 人员、 设备、等是可用及时支付飞利浦的需要 (包括不同的需求)。
S08.02 Safety stock
In situations with risks for supply (sole supplier, constraints in equipment, material), safety stock should be available. It is important that safety stock is used and replenished. Safety stock should be upgraded based on Engineering Change Orders在供应(独家供应商,设备,材料中的约束) 的风险的情况下,安全库存应该是可用的。它是重要的安全库存是使用和补充。安全库存应升级基于工程变更