Client: Blue Star Imports -
American Eagle Outfitters
Inspection Date: XX, 2008
Facility Name: XX
Subcontractor of: N/A
Inspection Type: Supply Chain Security
(Add-On) Vendor/Agent: XX
Auditor Name: XX
Country of Inspection: China
Date Sent: XX
Country RiskRating: Subject to Improvement
Grading Summary
Total Number In
Compliance Total Number Compliance%
Concerns 42 57
57 less any N/A
(max. 15)
Compliance% = Total Number in Compliance / Total Number * 100%
Overall Assessment Score: 74%
Under 70% 71% – 85 % 86% – 100%
Needs Improvement Subject to Improvement Preferred
Summary of Concerns & Corrective Actions
Concerns Corrective Actions
Physical Security 8. The facility is not equipped with an
anti-intrusion alarm system.
9. The facility is not equipped with a
video surveillance system.
8. It is necessary that the facility be
equipped with an anti-intrusion alarm
system. Alarms help prevent theft and
damage to the facility goods and
machines, while also alerting the
security guards and others of the
9. It is necessary that the facility be
equipped with video surveillance
systems that connect to all access
points of the facility. Surveillance
systems help prevent theft and
damage to the facility goods and
machines, while also recording the
activities within the facility grounds
throughout the day.
Product Packing
and Sealing
No violation N/A
Access Controls 19. Visitors are not required to
provide proof of identity upon
arriving at the facility.
23. The company does not provide
photo ID badges for employees.
19. It is necessary that all visitors
(including vendors and delivery
drivers) provide proof of identity to
ensure that they have legitimate
identification and are authorized to
enter the facility grounds.
Unidentified individuals should not be
permitted to enter. This action will
help protect the facility from
unauthorized access.
23. It is necessary that employees be
issued company photo-identification
badges. This will legitimize their
identity and authorize them to be on
the facility grounds during those
hours, but not allow them to enter
restricted areas, unless given
27. Access to the shipping area is not
restricted. Any employee / person
can move about freely in these areas.
區。员工或訪客 可在該範圍內隨意
28. Security devices and access
control procedures are not installed /
implemented at receiving area to
secure the place.
27. It is necessary that access to the
shipping, receiving, cargo, and
hazardous materials storage areas be
restricted to authorized personnel
only. Under no circumstances should
unauthorized persons / employees be
permitted to enter these restricted
areas, unless given formal permission.
This action helps to protect the
integrity of the goods, and lower the
risk of unauthorized persons
tampering with or damaging the
28. It is necessary that security
devices and access control procedures
to be installed / implemented at
shipping, receiving, & storage areas to
secure the areas. This will deter the
intrusion of unauthorized individuals
into restricted areas.
Procedural Security 30. The loading and unloading of
cargo are not supervised by security
or management.
30. It is necessary that a security
officer or supervisor be designated to
supervise the loading and unloading
of finished and packed merchandise
into the container or vehicle.
Loading/unloading is a high-risk
process in the production chain. The
monitoring of this process will better
ensure the integrity of goods and
prevent unauthorized individuals from
tampering with or damaging the
goods and container.
Container Security No violation N/A
Personnel Security 48. The facility hiring process does
not include verification of candidate’s
48. It is necessary that the facility
include verification of candidate
references during the hiring process.
50. The facility does not perform
periodic checks on existing
employees even if they hold sensitive
positions or have investigations link
to them.
This action will ensure that the
potential employee is providing
accurate proof of identity and
legitimate candidate references.
Reference verification can give
management early indications of what
type of character the candidate is.
50. It is necessary the facility conduct
periodic checks on existing
employees that hold sensitive
positions. This is to ensure that such
employees are not abusing their
power and doing harm to the
company. Checks on employees
should be performed when such
employees are subjected to
investigation by law enforcement
Technology Security
No violation N/A
Education and
Training Awareness
59. The facility does not conduct
security training (other than fire drill
& safety training) sessions for
60. Employees working in restricted
areas are not trained on how to handle
unauthorized access to secure areas.
61. Employees in packing,
59. It is necessary that the facility
conduct security-training sessions for
employees. Educating all employees
about the facility’s security practices
and procedures helps maintain
efficient and consistent understanding
of factory standards and expectations.
This will ensure that all employees
are aware of security measures and
encourage their participation in
maintaining the security of the
60. It is necessary that employees
working in restricted areas be trained
on how to handle unauthorized access
to secure areas. Employees should
have access to communication
devices and know whom to contact in
the event that an unauthorized person
is discovered in a restricted area.
61. It is necessary that Employees in
packing, warehouse, shipping and
receiving areas be instructed and
warehouse, shipping and receiving
areas have not been instructed and
trained on how to maintain cargo
integrity and enforce access control.
62. Employees in shipping and
receiving areas have not been
instructed or trained on how to
identify suspicious cargo.
63. The facility does not offer
incentives (monetary or other form) to
encourage employees to report
suspicious situations.
廠方沒有提供獎勵 (金錢或其 他方
式) 予員工鼓勵他們報 告任何可疑
trained on how to maintain cargo
integrity and enforce access control.
Employees should have access to
communication devices, know what
to look for, know how to identify
anomalies, and be able to report the
62. It is necessary that employees in
shipping and receiving areas be
instructed on how to identify
suspicious cargo. Employees should
have access to communication
devices, know what to look for, know
how to identify anomalies, and be
able to report the concerns.
63. It is necessary that employees are
offered incentives for recognizing and
reporting suspicious situations or
situations where security has been
compromised. Offering incentives
encourages employees to participate
in protecting the facility and goods,
proactively, while also supporting
communication between employee
and supervisor.
** I have been notified of the above concerns and understand the recommendations that have been made.
Facility Management
Signature on File Date: XX, 2008
Inspector Signature: Signature on File Date: XX, 2008