5.0 In-House Testing 内部测试
1. Does factory perform any kind of in- house testing? Are test equipment/tools well maintained, organized and technicians are well trained. Test Standards used are traceable to any international or local standards?
(Please refer to the FCCA attachment for the minimum In-House Testing requirements)
工厂实施了一些内部测试吗? 测试仪器/工具保养良好,有序且技术员得到良好培训。 使用的测试标准是可追溯至任何国际或当地的标准?
2. All gauges and test equipments have valid calibrations and are properly labeled
3 Testing manuals of various industry standards and WM Test Protocols are
available as reference & are up to date
工厂有不同工业标准的测试手册和 WM测试指南做参考,且是最新版本的
4. Technicians conducting in-house testing are properly trained to perform testin functions and Certificates of training are available.
[NOTE: Factory that trains their own technicians must show evidence that their Chief/Master Technician has been trained &certified by qualified professional trainer]
[注意: 工厂自己培训他们自己的技术人员,应出示证据证明他们的主要的/首席的技术员已经经过有资格的职业培训师培训和获得证书。]
5. Does factory have appropriate testing equipment/facility for screening / checking the presence of SVHC on the candidate list? [ASDA Requirement]
工厂有适宜的测试仪器或设施用来筛选检查 SVHC 候选清单的物质是否存在 {ASAD要求}