8. Doors that lead to the exterior of the building that are not designated as exits are labelled as such (e.g. “Not-An-Exit” sign in the local language(s) and the language of the workers) (3.1)
9. There is one or more designated and marked assembly points outside the workplace. The assembly points are in an area that is a safe distance away from the reach of a possible fire. The area is large enough to accommodate the full number of employees and other personnel who may reasonably be on site at any given time (3.1)
10. Emergency exit signs are visible from 30m, use letters at least 18cm high and are illuminated in bright colours or have a photo-luminescent front panel (3.1)
11. Exit routes have emergency lighting and are marked with signs, with at least one easily seen from any area within the workplace. Battery- operated exit signs are checked regularly and batteries replaced after the manufacturers designated time period (3.1)
12. Personnel are guided to exits or away from hazardous areas with floor markings, tape or other indications (3.1)
13. Emergency battery lighting is provided for all stairways and where needed on exit routes (3.1)
1. Fully operational fire fighting equipment is maintained, regularly tested, unobstructed, clearly marked and accessible (3.1).
2. Personnel demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic practical use of fire extinguishers (3.6).
3. If fire hydrants are present, then the hoses, standpipes and all water sources, including fire pumps, are inspected and flushed at least twice per year (e.g. during fire drills) (3.1).