3.12 Special attention is paid to pregnant women to avoid dangerous or physically tiring work (such as job reassignments to non-hazardous or lighter work, provision of seating, extended breaks, no overtime, no night shifts, etc.).应特别关注孕妇,避免其从事危险性或体力工作(如转换至无危险或较为轻松的工作、提供座位、延长休息时间、不得安排加班或夜班……)。
3.21 There is no any life threatening situation to the employees at any facility of the factory, including dormitories and canteen. ( Ex : workers working on electrical system without having shut down the electrical supply )在工厂的任何场所(包括宿舍和食堂)不会有威胁员工生命安全的情况发生。(例如员工在没有关掉电源的情况下修理供电系统,)。
3.49 In case of use of Toxic or Carcinogenic product, the factory has implemented proper collective protection system and/or the operator use the appropriate PPE and apply a correct handling method.
3.52 Factories must have a separate sounding (or flashing) fire alarm, easy to operate, that is distinct and audible in all parts of the workplace and that can be rung from various points throughout the facility. The alarm must have a back up battery and maintained in proper working order.工厂应安装易于操作的独立声光火灾报警系统,各区域均设有报警按钮。厂区各处均能看见或听见警报。系统必须配有备用电池,定期保养,工作正常。
3.58 Each shop floor must have at least 2 (non elevator) exits. 每个楼层至少有两个逃生出口(非电梯。)
3.60 The emergency exit doors are never locked during working hours (even at night time, lunch time…)任何工作时间,逃生出口均不得上锁(即使在夜间、午餐时间等)
3.61 The emergency escape routes and doors are efficient and lead directly to a safe assembly area: The factory can be evacuated quickly.逃生通道及逃生门可直接引导人员至安全集合点。所有工厂人员均可以快速逃离。
3.63 There is an assembly area in case of emergency. This place is known by all the employees, safe, and can welcome all the workers.工厂设立有紧急逃生集合点。逃生集合点可容纳全厂员工并为员工熟知。逃生集合点必须为安全区域。
5.1 There is no obvious proof of physically abusive, threatening, exploitative or any inappropriate behavior.
7.1 There is no obvious proof showing that the lowest hourly salary paid is less than the lowest salary authorized by the law or the collective bargaining agreement in the sector.
7.6 Homework for Oxylane is prohibited. The employees are not given extra work to do at home (or in the dormitories).
严禁要求员工在家做Oxylane集团产品的工作。不得安排员工在家里(或在宿舍里)加班工作, 也不能发家庭代工。
你要这样说小编只能向你解释一下了,因为卡侬哥对歧视(4)、工作时间(6)、管理体系(8)暂时没有规定OVER项,所以就没有列出来,例出来的项是卡侬哥的条文件编号,为了你方便核对,所的保留了。没有列出来的非OVER项外,还有高风险项、中度风险项,这个不是说不重要,只是不是要你马上OVER了。做得好的卡侬哥还说叫“Best Practice”(BP),这个要多,你加我们微信关注吧,我们能帮到你的哦!