Fair Labor Association (FLA)Principle of Fair Labor and Responsible Sourcing
1. Company affiliate establishes and commits to clear standards (Workplace Standards),
1.1 Company affiliate establishes and articulates clear, written workplace standards
that meet or exceed those embodied in the fla Workplace Code of Conduct
1.2 Company affiliate leadership formally commits to uphold workplace standards and
to integrate them into company business practices
2. Company affiliate identifies and trains appropriate staff (Staff training),
2.1 Company affiliate identifies all staff (and service providers, where relevant)
responsible for implementing its workplace standards compliance program
2.2 Company affiliate ensures that all staff (including sourcing) and relevant service
providers are trained on the company’s commitment to standards and the integration
of standards into business practices
2.3 Company affiliate ensures that staff or service providers responsible for
implementing workplace standards compliance functions have appropriate
competencies and suitable training in all areas under their responsibility
2.4 Company affiliate ensures that training is updated at regular intervals
3. Company affiliate shares commitment to workplace standards with suppliers and workers
in the supply chain (Committed Suppliers),
3.1 Company affiliate formally conveys workplace standards to suppliers and
receives written acknowledgment of standards and commitment to uphold them
3.2 Company affiliate obtains written agreement of suppliers to (a) submit to
periodic inspections and audits, including assessments conducted by fla assessors
or independent external monitors or service providers accredited by the fla for
compliance with workplace standards, and (b) collaborate with the Company affiliate
to remediate instances of noncompliance
3.3 Company affiliate conditions future business with suppliers upon continuous
improvement of compliance performance
3.4 Company affiliate ensures that workplace standards are made available to workers,
managers and supervisors in written form and appropriate languages
3.5 Company affiliate ensures that workers, managers and supervisors are informed
orally and educated about workplace standards at regular intervals to take account
of labor turnover
4. Company affiliate ensures workers have access to grievance procedures and confidential
reporting channels (Grievance Mechanisms and Confidential Channel),
4.1 Company affiliate ensures there are functioning grievance procedures at supplier production sites
4.2 Company affiliate provides channels for workers to contact the Company directly and confidentially