3. Health and Safety
1. Pre employment medical exams, when required by law, are provided free of charge to all personnel. These exams may not include pregnancy or virginity tests (3.1).
2. Annual occupational health checks for workers handling hazardous materials are conducted. These occupationalhealth checks are conducted by a qualified medicalprofessional at the organisation’s expense (3.1).
3. Medical care is available onsite or the organisation is in close proximity to facilities where basic health and injury needs can be addressed.
3. If there is no medical care provided onsite, the organisation has asystem in place to address severe injuries when needed (3.1).
4. One properly stocked and readily accessible first aid kit is available for at least every 100 workers. The kit contains, at a minimum, basic supplies such as bandages, scissors, gloves and gauze (3.1).
5. The locations of first aid boxes are posted with a first aid sign, which also includes the names and photographs of trained first aid personnel for each shift and an emergency contact number (3.1).
6. In cases where first aid supplies are locked for security reasons first aid trained staff can access thesupplies within 2 minutes (3.1).
7. Adequate and accurate records of incidents and near misses. These records are reviewed during the management review meeting and Health and Safety Committee meetings. These records are kept for at least two years (3.7)