SA8000:2014 绩效指标附件
Disclaimer 免责声明
The Annex is not an exhaustive list of performance indicators and does not change the Standard’s requirements; rather, the Annex details specific performance indicators that demonstrable correct implementation of the SA8000 criteria. It may be updated more frequently than the Standard as SAI and other organizations research and develop new indicators. Therefore, the length and scope of the sections will likely change over time. Currently, the Health and Safety section is the most comprehensive because indicators in this area are the most advanced to date.
The indicators in this Annex may be fully or partially required by local or national law. As is the case with SA8000, if the Standard addresses the same issue as local or national laws, standards or other requirements related to the organisation, the provision that is most favourable to workers applies.
1. No children present in production work areas (1.1).
2. No fake or forged identification documents accepted during the recruitment process (1.1). 3. Verifiable proof of age documentation is maintained for every worker (1.1).
1. All overtime hours are voluntary; coercion, threats, or penalties are not used to pressure personnel into overtime work (2.4).
2. No unreasonable restraints on personnel’s freedom of movement, including movement in the canteen, during breaks, and related to toilet use, access to water, access to necessary medical attention or access to religious facilities (2.1).
3. Security measures implemented by the organisation do not intimidate or unduly restrict the movement of workers (2.1).
4. Terms of employment outlined at the time of recruitment do not differ in any way from the terms offered during the course employment (2.1).
5. Personnel are free from pressure, coercion, or threats that would in any way force them to accept a job or maintain employment (2.1).