3. Health and Safety (续)
Alarm System
1. An alarm system exits and is audible throughout the entire organisation on every floor, including production areas, warehouses, dormitories, canteens or creches, and any other employer provided service facilities. The alarm has a distinct sound that ia different from any other noise notification systems.(3.1)
2. An alternative syatem is available when the alarm system is undergoing maintenance.(3.1)
Personal Protective Equipment(PPE)
1. Personnel are provided with and use PPE as mandated by the organisation's occupational health and safety rish assessment.(3.3)
2. All personnel demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of:
a. Which PPE is necessary for each task, operation or process;
b. When the PPE is necessary;
c. How to use and adjust the equipment;
d. Limitations of the equitment; and
e. Proper care and maintenance of the equipment(3.6).
1. Workplaces, including walkways and aisles, yard and storage areas, lifts and stairways, are kept clean and maintained in good condition.(3.1)
2. All primary ailes are a minimum of 1.12 meters wide or wider as stated by local law, are marked, & kept unobstructed at all times. (3.1)
3. Stairway railings of no less than 1 metre high are installed on exposed stairs where a person could potentially fall off the side of the stairway. (3.1)
4. A documented procedure to prevent the ignition of fires from sources of heat, open flames, electrical sparking, hot surfaces, welding, smoking, heat or sparks is available. The procedure includes a mandate for adequate housekeeping to ensure that uncontrolled combustible material is removed, as well as decontamination measures. It mandates that hazardous materrial is stored and handled in a safe way and includes the following measures (3.7):
a. Workplaces are clean, free from dirt and dust, and are not exposed to potential ignition sources, such as cigarettes.
b. Flammable and hazardous materials are properly stocked and kept away from ignition sources.
c. Gas sensors are placed around gas-using and processing equipment.
1. Work areas have adequate lighting, ventilation and temperature controls.(3.1)
2. All water, inside or outside of the facility, drains properly so it dose not to create a slipping hazard or a breeding ground for insects(3.1)
3. Safe and clean drinking water is free and available at all times and within a reasonable distance of all workstations. There is an adequate amount of potable water stations relative to the number of personnel. The means to drink water (i.e. cup) is safe, sanitary and available in an appropriate amount(3.8)
4. Employees are not subjected to noise levels greater than 85 decibels for more than 8 hours per day without the use of hearing protection(3.1)
5. In high noise level areas, hearing protection is provided.(3.3)