6 Resourcemanagement
6 资源管理
6.4 Workenvironment and contamination control
6.4.1 Workenvironment 工作环境
The organizationshall document the requirements for the work environment needed to achieve conformityto product requirements.
If theconditions for the work environment can have an adverse effect on productquality, the organization shall document the requirements for the workenvironment and the procedures to monitor and control the work environment.
如果用于工作环境的条件对产品质量有不良影响,组织应当建立工作环境的文件化需求和程序来监控和控制工作环境。( YY/T6.4 b))
The organizationshall: 组织应当
a) documentrequirements for health, cleanliness and clothing of personnel if contactbetween such personnel and the product or work environment could affect medicaldevice safety or performance;
b) ensure thatall personnel who are required to work temporarily under special environmental conditionswithin the work environment are competent or supervised by a competent person.
NOTE Furtherinformation can be found in ISO 14644 and ISO 14698.
注意:更多信息请见ISO14644和ISO 14698。(新增)
6.4.2Contamination control
As appropriate,the organization shall plan and document arrangements for the control ofcontaminated or potentially contaminated product in order to preventcontamination of the work environment, personnel, or product.
For sterilemedical devices, the organization shall document requirements for control ofcontamination with microorganisms or particulate。
总结:资源管理这部分,增添的内容还是相对较多的。然后是内容章节的略微的调整。6.2 Human resources 人力资源总则多了一段内容。并且最后部分多了一个注意项,再次提到风险管理(评估用于检查有效性的方法学应当风险相适应);6.3基础设施部分增加的内容要格外关注了,一个是增加混淆的概念(mix-up)、一个增加了信息系统(information systems)、再就是最后部分的维护措施,应用到生产、检测、厂房控制的所有设备;6.4是章节性的内容变化,另外增加了备注信息,关于环境标准和环境监测的,最后增加了无菌医疗器械环境控制的内容。