Harassment and Abuse
Harassment: unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age, disability or genetic information Harassment becomes unlawful where 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.
Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) will not rise to the level of illegality to
be unlawful, the conduct must create a work environment that would be intimidating, hostile, or offensive to reasonable people.
Offensive conduct may include, but is not limited to, offensive jokes, slurs, epithets or name calling, physical assaults or threats, intimidation, ridicule or mockery, insults or put downs, offensive objects or pictures, and interference with work performance Harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including, but not limited to, the following:
• the harasser can be the victim’s supervisor, a supervisor in another area,
an agent of the employer, a co worker, or a non-employee
• the victim does not have to be the person harassed,
but can be anyone affected by the offensive conduct
• unlawful harassment may occur without economic injury to, or discharge of,
the victim sexual Harassment: Harassment involving the making of unwanted
sexual advances or obscene remarks
Retaliation: any negative action or credible threat against an employee who in good faith reports problems to management, participates in worker interviews during compliance assessments, or helps in the investigation of a worker’s grievance
Verbal Abuse: Behavior that includes screaming, insulting language, name calling, threatening, and/or sexually demeaning language.
Psychological Abuse: Behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder for example, telling migrant or foreign contract workers that they risk being deported if they leave their employment with the factory or telling workers the factory will have to close if a union is formed
Physical Abuse: Physical abuse is any act that includes pushing, slapping, cutting, punching, kicking, and/or tripping which is intended to inflict pain on another person.
Proper documentation is important for providing evidence of compliance with the law and the standards above
You must keep the following documents on file and available to auditors and other authorized personnel:
• termination notices and records of disciplinary actions
• all reported grievances along with the investigation report, and resolution
• training materials and training records (Harassment, abuse, Workplace Violence and Bullying
– both for management and workers)
• Wages paid to employees – verification that monetary fines are not being deducted
• Grievance committee records or union records (if applicable)
• CCtV recording of the factory to review security searches (if applicable)
• dormitory rules and regulations
• Management organizational charts