12. Re-Application by Terminated or Expired Auditors
Auditors who have had their approval terminated or expire may be able to reapply for approval,
depending on the circumstances attributed to the termination.
Any re-approval includes going through the approval process and meeting the qualifications, including
attendance at the EICC Code Training Course and passing the EICC Qualification Test.
Auditors who have had approvals terminated due to confirmed ethical breaches will not be reapproved.
Auditors who have had approvals terminated due to suspected, but not confirmed, Ethical
Breach(s) may re-apply after 12 months. Approval, at that time, is at the sole discretion of the
EICC/ Appointed Agent.
Auditors who have had approvals terminated due to three or more egregious errors may reapply
after 12 months. Approval, at that time, is at the sole discretion of the EICC /
Appointed Agent.
Auditors who have had approvals terminated due to three or more complaints from the
auditee may re-apply after 12 months. Approval, at that time, is at the sole discretion of the
EICC / Appointed Agent.
Auditors who have had approvals expire due to not completing the required actions (EICC
audit experience and 24 CPD hours) in the required time but left in good standing with the
EICC may reapply at any time.