Harassment and Abuse
What does it mean?
Harassment and abuse is any uninvited and unwelcome conduct directed at an individual or improper or excessive treatment or discipline this standard requires employers to be responsible for ensuring that all workers are treated with the utmost dignity and respect by management and fellow coworkers in their workplace.
What do you need to do?
Harassment and abuse can be very demoralizing to a workforce these types of activities can emotionally and/or
physically scar workers Business must ensure that employees are treated with respect and dignity by:
• Strictly prohibiting all forms of abuse and harassment and communicating
this position to both management and workers
• developing effective grievance systems that allow for unacceptable behaviors
to be reported to management
• applying consistent, well understood disciplinary systems across the company
Harassment and abuse can have a serious impact on the productivity of businesses. Harassing or abusive behavior by management can result in lower productivity, employee absences, worker unrest, and in the worst case even worker suicide. Prevention of harassment and abuse provides workers with a work environment unencumbered by fear or anxiety. A comfortable workplace, free of harassment promotes happy and productive employees, and positively affects a company’s bottom- line. Additionally, worker satisfaction increases, resulting in less absenteeism and work stoppages.