(PVH 行为守则---非歧视)
A Shared Commitment 一个共享的承诺
Our business partners cannot discriminate in employment, including with regard to hiring, compensation, advancement, discipline, termination and retirement, whether on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social class or ethnic origin.
WHat does it Mean? 这意味着什么?
Discrimination occurs when a person is treated differently, either favorably or unfavorably, due to personal
characteristics such as religion, age, disability, gender, race, sexual orientation, caste, marital status,
or union or political membership or affiliation the non- discrimination standard will apply throughout the
entire life cycle of the employee, for example; during the recruitment and hiring process, in making salary
and promotion decisions, or in termination the purpose of the standard is to ensure equality of treatment and
opportunity for all workforces regardless of location
What do You need to do? 你需要做什么?
Discrimination can be deeply rooted in some countries or cultures, and can lead to an underclass of workers who
lack opportunities to develop and improve, or to earn enough to support themselves or their families discrimination
must be prohibited in any form and all businesses must ensure:
• all hiring, compensation, promotion, termination and retirement practices and access to training should be
based solely on a person’s ability to perform the job effectively
• Compliance with law regarding designated categories of employees (e g special treatment of the physically
impaired, veterans and protected minorities)
• Protection of women’s rights
Promoting a diverse workforce is good for business. Discriminatory practices restrict the available pool of
workers and skills. Companies with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and cultural understandings
within the organization are typically more creative, innovative, and productive. Productivity will also be
improved due to increased employee morale, job satisfaction and reduced turnover. Additionally, having a
diverse workforce can increase penetration into some markets, based on the image which their workforce
gives to potential and actual customers.
• all employment agreements or contracts
• documentation on employment decisions such as to hire or not hire, transfer, promote or dismiss an employee
• transfer notices, annual leave applications or pregnancy benefits
• records of any grievances (and their resolution) relating to the implementation of your non-discrimination policies
• employment applications
• interview and skills tests forms, even when a candidate is rejected
• Performance evaluations, which should be signed by the worker and manager/supervisor
• Medical records (where permitted by law)
• termination notices and records of disciplinary actions
• Maternity leave register, if required by law
• other documents required by law