1. All personnel demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the organisation’s policy statement, which includesits commitment to comply with the SA8000 Standard (9.1.5).
2. SAAS/SAI contact details and the relevant CB contact details are conspicuously displayed on the organisation’s policy statement (9.1.2).
3. Policies state all the requirements of SA8000 and procedures provide instructions on how personnel shall comply with the policies. All personnel demonstrate knowledge and understanding of these policies and procedures. Specifically, the following is expected (9.1.4):
a. A policy stating all requirements of the Child Labour element, and a policy governing the work eligibility of job applicants.
b. A policy stating all requirements of the Forced or Compulsory Labour element.
c. A policy stating all requirements of the Health and Safety element. This policy states how the organisation manages safety and health issues, and outlines the steps the organisation takes to ensure that health and safety hazards are identified and addressed.
d. A policy stating all requirements of the Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining element. This policy states personnel’s rights and the country’s laws regarding freedom of association and collective bargaining.
e. A policy stating all requirements of the Discrimination element.
f. A policy stating all requirements of the Disciplinary Practices element. This policy clearly states the organisation’s progressive disciplinary measures. g. A policy stating all requirements of the Working Hours element. h. A policy stating all requirements of the Remuneration element.
This policy clearly states:
1) The system through which personnel can contest wage payments and receive clarifications in this respect in a timely manner;
2) personnel’s wages, including the calculation of wages, incentives systems, benefits and bonuses they are entitled to under applicable laws.