近年来,BSCI波动不断, 肯达信企业管理顾问为您总结最新信息如下:
BSCI Adjusts its Auditing Pool
As of 1 February 2018, FTA will terminate the contracts of the auditing companies, BSI, CTI and HKQAA.
Following an internal review to improve the efficiency of BSCI monitoring activities, FTA is making further adjustments to the BSCI auditing pool. In this context, the decision has been made to terminate cooperation with the following auditing companies:
• British Standards Institution (BSI)
• Centre Testing International Corporation (CTI)
• Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)
In a letter dated 17th July 2017 the above-mentioned auditing companies were informed that their framework contract would be terminated, after the contractually agreed upon 6-months’ notice of termination has expired. The termination of the contracts will thus take effect as of 1 February 2018.
The above-mentioned decision to terminate these companies was an exclusively internal, strategic decision, taken in the context of the reorganisation of BSCI’s monitoring system, in line with the terms and conditions set forth in the framework contract. The decision was not made in the context of a breach of contract, or in relation to any issues of quality or integrity with any of the affected companies.
FTA would like to formally thank BSI, CTI and HKQAA for their work and services provided to BSCI in recent years.
For further information, please consult the FAQs or contact info@fta-intl.org
Please note: This communication was and is strictly made, pursuant to FTA’s obligation to inform all BSCI participants on all changes affecting the audit pool, to the limited circle of those who have access to BSCI platform and the restricted area of the FTA website. Any activity undertaken outside this circle and/or inside this circle using this communication directly to generate new work and solicit for business unfairly, and/or under false pretences, will be regarded by FTA as highly unethical and inadmissible in the context of BSCI, in which ethical and trustworthy conduct is regarded as key element. Such conduct will result in the firmest of steps being taken by FTA, who will immediately address the situation.
2.FTA宣布由2018年1月起更名为 全球贸易协会 Amfori 宣扬行商有道
布鲁塞尔,2017年6月15日 — 欧洲对外贸易协会(FTA)今天在周年会议上宣布于2018年1月起正式改名为「Amfori」,中文将更名为「全球贸易协会」。新名称将配合协会的定位并彰显其未来的新战略愿景《Vision 2030》。
协会的《Vision 2030》参考了联合国颁布的《2030 年可持续发展议程》,新战略愿景让协会能够为所有致力于实现可持续发展目标(SDGs)的企业提供实际支持。此外,协会将通过回应瞬息万变、一直影响企业的全球趋势,巩固其在促进全球责任贸易上的重要地位。
在新的品牌下,Amfori将体现其定位战略,并明确宣扬协会的宗旨:以贸易为社会、环境和经济三方面带来利益,继而惠及全球。欧洲对外贸易协会总干事艾伟德说:「全球贸易协会Amfori的宗旨为支持企业促进人类繁荣,负责任地利用自然资源,以及推动全球开放贸易。我们称之为 『行商有道』。」
作为协会《Vision 2030》战略的一部分,协会将重点发展全新的合作伙伴关係,以扩大其全球网络版图并提高在地方上的影响力。协会也会以会员利益为先,扩大服务范围并深化其影响力,同时随着服务进一步的提升和多元化,相信会带来大规模的改变及影响。从2018年1月开始,协会将欢迎更多不同的商界企业加入拥有2,000多家会员公司的网络,通力合作,成为未来可持续发展的领导者。
艾伟德先生表示“通过《Vision 2030》,我们将协助会员在取得业务上的成功的同时,也展示他们为人类和地球带来更多正面影响的领先地位。他们有能力塑造世界,全球贸易协会Amfori将成为其合作伙伴,让他们在这旅程中获取成功。”